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Food Pyramid
Sunday, March 28, 2010,2:06 AM

As we have learnt about the four main groups of nutrients we take in, here's a pyramid showing you what is a balanced diet..
Some questions for you to think about..
  • It may be common sense to some of you but is everyone have a balanced diet?
  • What happens to a person who does not have a balanced diet?
  • Is there a reason why everyone place much emphasis on a balanced diet?
  • Can you link the reason behind having a balanced diet and how the body functions (from the topic you have learnt in Biology)?
  • Does everyone have the same dietary requirements? (Can a pregnant lady, a grandmother aged 90 and a girl aged 15 have the same nutritional requirements?
Email your answers to Miss Ang: ang_siok_eng_justine@moe.edu.sg